Showing posts from June, 2023
Here are some common Latin phrases related to war, along with their translations: 1. Veni, vidi, vici - "I came, I saw, I conquered" 2. Si vis pacem, para bellum - "If you want peace, prepare for war" 3. Dul…
Ancient Egyptian slave trade Here are some Ancient Egyptian phrases related to trade: 1. "nfrw mHw" (neferu mehu) - "good goods" This phrase was used to describe high-quality merchandise that was desirable f…
Про иностранные языки. About foreign languages. Недавно ехала на автобусе и оказалась в окружении стайки молодежи, лет 16ти-17ти. Вероятно, все они учатся в языковой школе: за моей спиной несколько человек болтали по-французски…
Here are some Ukrainian dialogues, phrases, and vocabulary with transliteration and translation about eating and drinking: Dialogue 1: - Ви будете замовляти щось на обід? (Vy budete zamovlyaty shchos na obid?) - Would you like to…
Here are some common phrases and vocabulary you might need when buying things in Ukrainian: Phrases: 1. Скільки коштує це? (Skil'ky koshtuye tse?) - How much does this cost? 2. У вас є це у іншому кольорі? (U vas ye tse u i…